Product overview
New 2019 MC Racing, the CIK-FIA038-SE-93 arrives, a silencer reserved for the 125 kz category.
all new silencer, from the product philosophy to the realization, thanks also to the use of
3D design and fluid dynamics simulation, then proven by numerous tests on the test bench and track.
Conical perforated barrel
Outside the silencer has the classic cylindrical shape,
but it is inside that hides most of the
innovation with a conical section that allows to have
a power curve much more exploitable on the track.
3D design and simulation
All the muffler has been molded and designed with
3D software, this allowed us to study in detail
each component even before producing it and trying various
simulator solutions.
How much does the perforated barrel change?
One would think that the muffler in an exhaust system
has the sole purpose of reducing the acoustic impact of an exhaust terminal, as leads to think of the name itself, but not
it's exactly how you might think.
The silencer is often underestimated or modified only to have a more satisfying sound to the hearing, but from
from a performance point of view, the silencer is in all respects a part of the exhaust and modifies performance
considerably. In the two-stroke engine the study of the exhaust is of fundamental importance, in fact, the
engine renews the charge through pressure waves phased between intake and exhaust. In simpler words yes
tries to have suction pressure that pushes the fresh fuel into the combustion chamber e
push out the spent fuel and above all a back pressure to the exhaust which will function as one
sort of "vacuum cleaner" sucking the exhausted gases from the chamber sucking the fresh ones.
In the final phase of washing the combustion chamber, an attempt will be made to have an increase in pressure, to avoid letting out fresh gases before using them and to avoid letting out more gases than those that
they manage to enter the same length of time. To meet these needs, the two engine exhausts
times are always equipped with a double cone along the terminal, that is a divergent / convergent that comes
designed for this purpose.
A very similar, though less intense, dynamic effect is generated in the tailpipe. So using
of the diverging or converging cones, a better response can be obtained from the engine, balancing where the exhaust
had not yet managed to balance and clearing the curve of power holes. What we managed to do
with this terminal after various simulated tests and various tests then on the bench with the first prototypes it was just right
clean up the power curve and get back pressure
necessary to improve the washing of the chamber.
The MC Racing exhaust system CIK-FIA038-SE-93
allows a much better performance of the engine.
Bench test tests
At the end of the design phase, a
long period at the test bench, where they were screened
all possible solutions identified in the simulator.